HydroFlex Executive Board in Porjus

In September the HydroFlex Executive Board visited the Porjus Hydropower Center in Northern Sweden. It is a large scale test facility consisting of two turbine-generator sets, where HydroFlex researchers perform tests.
After a tour of the Porjus Hydropower Center, the Executive Board members discussed the progress in the different HydroFlex work packages and made plans for the coming months. Cross-disciplinary understanding and dissemination to stakeholders and the general public were among the issues addressed during the meeting.
On the way to Porjus from Luleå, the HydroFlex team visited the waterfall “Storforsen” and enjoyed a fika (Swedish for coffe break with something small to eat) under a beautiful autumn sunset.
Fredrik Engström, Vattenfall, guided the HydroFlex team through the Porjus Hydropower Center. Jose Perez explained the tests he is performing for work package 4 related to the flexibility of the generator.
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