The University of Strathclyde is an international technological higher education institution, research-led, with a reputation for innovation and enterprise. The University is engaged in a large number of international collaborative projects, involving over 600 academic and industrial partners in over 80 EU FP7 projects. In particular, the wind energy group at Strathclyde University has approximately 80 researchers and 10 academic staff. The research covers all aspects of wind energy with particular strengths in wind turbine control, grid integration, offshore power networks, wind turbine condition monitoring, asset management, floating and fixed support structures and wind turbine design.
The group has a current portfolio exceeding £10M with research supported by EPSRC, the Scottish Government, EU and industry. UoS has developed its research infrastructure on renewables and smartgrids significantly over the last ten years. UoS has also a very solid collaboration with the Offshore Renewable Energy-Catapult (ORE) as well as other UK academic institutions through the SUPERGEN Wind Hub consortium sponsored by the EPSRC (UK Research Council). A very important facility at Strathclyde is the Power Networks Demonstration Centre (PNDC).
Contact information
Main Contact
Prof Olimpo Anaya-Lara

Other participants
Dr David Campos-Gaona