RWTH is one of the leading technology universities in Germany, advanced by the “Excellence Initiative” of the German federal and state governments and aiming to become one of the top five in Europe as measured by academic output, by the quality of its graduates, and by external funding.
IAEW (Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics) belongs to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the RWTH Aachen University. During the last decades IAEW has specialized on questions regarding technical, economic and policy issues of the electrical power system. Core competence of IAEW is the transfer of real problems into mathematical problems being solved with the aid of optimization algorithms and high performance computers. From the results, conclusions and recommendations with respect to the original, real economic issues can be derived. In particular, the research fields of IAEW focus on power system simulation in terms of power plant and storage operation as well as network operation.
Contact information
Head of institute: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Albert Moser

Main Contact
Peter Wirtz

Other participants
Maik Schönefeld