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Flexibility needs in the Nordic power system towards 2030

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The Nordic Power System is undergoing a significant change, and it is expected that this change will continue in the next decade. The Nordic countries’ commitment to EUs 2020 goals has led to a significant increase in renewable production. The most prominent and talked about change is the increase in wind power production. The annual wind power production is expected to reach approximately 100 TWh in 2030. Apart from some refurbishment or extension projects, little new capacity in large reservoir plants have been introduced in the last decade. In parallel, electrification in transport and offshore has changed the demand profile. This change is expected to continue or possibly increase. The Nordic frequency region already has substantial interconnections with the continent as well as the UK. A moderate increase of interconnection capacity is foreseen in the next decade. Within ENTSO-E as well as within the Nordic TSO’s there is ongoing work to develop flexibility markets. The most concrete result is the establishment of Nordic Balancing Model (NBM), but there may be changes to all parts of the ancillary services market in the next decade. For anyone involved in developing projects, products, technology, or services, this raises several questions:

With emphasis on the changes towards 2030:

  • How will Nordic hydropower as part of the European power supply system be operated?
  • What are the main drivers for change in flexibility provision by hydropower plants in the Nordics?
  • What benefits does an increased flexibilization of hydropower have in the Nordic power market?
  • To what extent is flexibility provision from the Nordics possible for North- and Central Europe?  and what are the necessary conditions for this to happen?

The HydroFlex public workshop on 21st April 2021 will put these questions on the agenda:

08:30WelcomeOle Gunnar Dahlhaug, NTNU
Changing operating conditions 
08:40The value of flexible hydropower – importance for the power system today and in the futureLill Sandvik, Statnett
09:00More variability with renewable electricityValentin Koestler, NVE
09:20 Nordic Balancing Model (NBM) – System services market in 2030Erik Alexander Jansson, NBM
Changing market operators 
09:50Long-term trends that can radically alter the flexibility needs of the Swedish power marketAnna Krook Riekkola, LTU
10:10Hybrit Development ABMikael Nordlander, Hybrit
Flexibility needs in 2030 
10:40Key drivers, summary of Aachen simulations Marius Siemonsmeier, RWTH
10:50Key drivers, summary of SINTEF simulationsMichael Belsnes, SINTEF
11:00 Industry commentAslak Mæland, Statkraft

Fredrik Engström, Vattenfall

11:20Panel discussion
12:00End of workshop



To register, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvf-GtrTIjHNafNOf3KwzEm32gN1tmxxNn